Well-Being for Cancer Caregivers


Currently in the Well-being Lab we are leading a series of projects around optimizing caregiver well-being for volunteer caregivers. Caregivers are broadly defined as individuals who provide health related assistance for patients, and can be friends, family, and loved ones. Caregivers often experience immense stress and burden, and are at risk for a plethora of health issues. Therefore, these lab projects seek to improve the well-being for caregivers from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Current projects include: 1) various research streams around novel assessment approaches, including ecological momentary assessment in caregiving, 2) literature reviews and synthesis of existing models for understanding caregiver well-being across the lifespan, 3) incorporating interdisciplinary approaches (i.e. medical wearables) to researching caregiver well-being throughout their daily experiences.

Projects are currently funded by the Fletcher Jones Foundation, and future funding will be pursued through an R21 grant to NIH through the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR).

Project Leads:

Ximena Giesemann Tyler Owen

Project Team Members:

None at the moment, but we are looking! Please let us know if you are interested in working with our team 🙂

