Measuring Flourishing: Using the Latest Measurement Tools to Assess Well-Being

Materials from Claremont Evaluation Center (CEC) Professional Development Workshop on August 26th, 2023

This immersive workshop offered participants a unique opportunity to delve into cutting-edge methods and measurement tools designed to assess and understand the concepts of flourishing and well-being. We explored the most recent advancements in the field, gaining practical techniques and methodologies for accurately capturing and evaluating well-being. Through an interactive session and hands-on exercises, participants acquired valuable insights into the latest assessment tools and learned how to effectively apply them in research, interventions, and real-life contexts. This workshop expanded participants’ knowledge and skills in well-being assessment.

2023 Workshop Slides Here (Opens in a new window)


Access the Repository of Well-Being Assessment Tools from this workshop (last updated August 2023) here [opens in a new window]:

You can also download the spreadsheet version here or view the Repository directly below:

Measuring Flourishing: WB Assessments Repository. Download spreadsheet version here.

Access the Dropbox Folder provided as a post-workshop resource to attendees. Folder includes:

  • Presentation Deck

  • Checklist for Selecting a WB Measure guided activity

  • WB Repository Folder

    • Includes PDFs of scales, primary source documents, and relevant review papers of WB measures.

Link here: